Lansing Video Production

Powerful Tips To Help Blogging Efforts

Blogging can be fun, but it can also be frustrating at times. Whether it’s for fun or business, it takes work. Blogging regularly can be a great way to increase leads and SEO as well as improve online visibility. According to Forbes, marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to see a positive return on investment. Having a …

Achievement Agreement Arms

Deaf Culture in the Workplace

Companies nowadays are always moving towards accessibility. One of the most important parts of making an environment accessible is understanding the needs of those you work with. MY EXPERIENCE. Since earning an Associate Degree in American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting, I have learned a lot about different solutions to improve communication, but not all are 100% effective. For example, a …

Adults Casual Cellphone

The Mindset of a Millennial

Odds are you’ve heard millennials are an impatient, rude, and lazy generation. While every generation has its bums and its over-achievers, it’s not fair to point fingers. These three ugly characteristics can be a good thing for society — if you don’t believe me, keep reading. We are impatient – we don’t like being told what to do, but who …

Specs for Social Media Videos

Specs for Social Media Videos: A Guide

At Michigan Creative, a lot of our videos end up being placed on websites and released onto social media. Here’s an up to date guide on what you need to know about posting videos on Facebook and Instagram.  Facebook          Posting onto Facebook, not embedding. We always recommend that when you post a video on social media, you upload the video …

Blogging Business CMS

Writing isn’t dead, and you should be doing it

Lately, social media is all about photos, video, and reaching your followers and consumers with relatable, visually aesthetic content. Just by that description, writing doesn’t often fit the bill. But why is that? It’s been thought that writing and creating content to be read is becoming less and less popular – dying, even. Unless you live under a rock, you’ve …

Food Health Plate

Take note of these back to back national days: Mental Health Day & Depression Screening Day

Every single day seems to be a national day for something, except these two are important. You may not be aware of it, but yesterday, October 10th was National Mental Health Day. It was posted about all over social media, creating awareness for mental health, and resources too. Just about every influencer and many people on social media had something to …

your business is a tree

Let’s talk about your health and how it affects your business

Health: mental, physical, emotional. It’s something you’re probably tired of reading and talking about, but hear us out on this one. It’s something that controls your life, even when you don’t think it might be. Your health is crucial to be thinking about, day in and day out. It has a huge affect on your business, whether or not you’re …

Who Do You Spend Your Time With

Who Do You Spend Your Time With: Balcony Thinkers or Basement Thinkers?

As some of you may know: I am the Social Media Manager at Michigan Creative, which I love. As the majority of you may not know: I am also a part-time Mary Kay Consultant for fun. Through Mary Kay, I’ve been able to learn so much about business and leadership through our weekly meetings and training sessions. It’s great to …