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    Take note of these back to back national days: Mental Health Day & Depression Screening Day

    Food Health Plate

    Every single day seems to be a national day for something, except these two are important.

    You may not be aware of it, but yesterday, October 10th was National Mental Health Day. It was posted about all over social media, creating awareness for mental health, and resources too. Just about every influencer and many people on social media had something to say about it. Most shared their own personal stories or resources, and many posted about how mental health is not a joke and is something everyone needs to be aware of. Yesterday put mental health into our minds and created conversations across the world about how important it is to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Today, October 11th is National Depression Screening Day. Following yesterday’s focus on mental health, National Depression Screening Day urges those affected to do something about it. Today encourages those who haven’t before to evaluate where they stand with their own mental health, and do something about it. These back to back national days are a powerful pair because they create a conversation, and further breaks the stigma around mental health.

    Mental illness can be invisible

    Mental illness is a seriously difficult thing and can affect anyone and everyone. According to Mental Health America, 1 in 10 men and 1 in 4 women will experience depression in their lifetime. The thing is, though, that it’s not always visible. Those suffering from a mental health issue might not show it in the ways one might expect.

    It’s important to take days like these seriously, and we do at Michigan Creative. We know just how important it is to care for your whole self to be able to live and thrive. We urge you to keep the conversation going, reach out when you need to, and break the stigma.

    What you can do

    If you’re reading this and interested, depression screenings can be done online at websites like mentalhealthamerica.net. Screenings are often the first step in getting help. Depression and mental illness can affect anyone, and it takes no mercy on those it affects. Your brain is your prized possession. It’s your hub of creativity. Take care of yourself from the inside out.