Achievement Agreement Arms

Deaf Culture in the Workplace

Companies nowadays are always moving towards accessibility. One of the most important parts of making an environment accessible is understanding the needs of those you work with. MY EXPERIENCE. Since earning an Associate Degree in American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting, I have learned a lot about different solutions to improve communication, but not all are 100% effective. For example, a …

Adults Casual Cellphone

The Mindset of a Millennial

Odds are you’ve heard millennials are an impatient, rude, and lazy generation. While every generation has its bums and its over-achievers, it’s not fair to point fingers. These three ugly characteristics can be a good thing for society — if you don’t believe me, keep reading. We are impatient – we don’t like being told what to do, but who …

Limiting Your Screen Time

Tips for Limiting Your Screen Time

When I go out to dinner, I look around to see a majority of people hiding behind a screen. I’m sure a lot of people (including me), find it frustrating when trying to talk with someone who can’t look up from their phone.   For those of you with iPhones, you may be aware of the Screen Time feature in …

Blogging Business CMS

Writing isn’t dead, and you should be doing it

Lately, social media is all about photos, video, and reaching your followers and consumers with relatable, visually aesthetic content. Just by that description, writing doesn’t often fit the bill. But why is that? It’s been thought that writing and creating content to be read is becoming less and less popular – dying, even. Unless you live under a rock, you’ve …

Why Buying Facebook Likes is a Bad Idea

But it’s the ultimate ‘get popular fast scheme’, right? Wrong. Buying likes for your business’s Facebook page actually does more harm than good to your Facebook page. It seems like the perfect plan; just spend a couple hundred bucks and you can add hundreds or even thousands of likes for your Facebook page. It’ll make you look more popular, raise engagement, …

Knowledge is Power!

Although my role around here at Michigan Creative has become quite substantial in the last year, and I could continue to work here full time, I’m going to continue on the path of education. I believe one should never stop learning, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. Recently I was accepted to Kendall College of Art & Design …