Swirls leading to the reason why video is king.

Why Video Reigns Supreme in 2024

Attention spans are shrinking, competition is fierce, and the digital landscape is ever-evolving. In this whirlwind, one marketing tactic stands out: Video. It’s no longer just a trend; video is essential for success in 2024. But why has video become the king of content? Let’s explore the compelling reasons: Engagement on Steroids: Videos capture attention like nothing else. Compared to …

fractional cmo

Maximizing Growth in 2024: The Crucial Role of a Fractional CMO

As we step into 2024, the landscape of business and marketing continues to evolve at a rapid pace. In this dynamic environment, the role of a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (FCMO) has become increasingly vital for businesses seeking to navigate these changes effectively and drive strategic growth. The Rise of the Fractional CMO The concept of a FCMO has gained …

fractional cmo

Why the Fractional CMO Model is a Game-Changer for Businesses

Embracing the Future: Why the Fractional CMO Model is a Game-Changer for Businesses In the dynamic landscape of business and marketing, the rise of the Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is a significant trend. Offering flexibility, expertise, and strategic insight, this innovative model is an ideal solution for businesses poised for adaptation and growth in today’s competitive market. Understanding the …

Michigan Creative Logo With a Halo

Unveiling the Magic of the Halo Effect: How First Impressions Shape Brand Loyalty

The Halo Effect is a common error in reasoning where a person’s impression of a single trait or characteristic influences their judgment of unrelated factors. In the realm of branding and marketing, this means that consumers tend to favor a company solely based on their positive experiences with the company’s products or the overall image that the company presents to …

Orange Brand Standards Guide Book on Desk

What is a Brand Standards Guide

In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have a strong brand. A well-defined brand can help you stand out from the competition, attract new customers, and build loyalty with existing ones. One of the most important aspects of branding is consistency. Your brand should look and feel the same across all channels, from your website …

Brand Consulting: What It Can Do For Your Business

Marketing and branding are essential elements to the success of any business. These services can help you develop strategies, identify your target audience and develop the best tactics for reaching them. When it comes to growing your company, marketing is a crucial part of expanding. Business owners or CEOs can struggle to know where to turn or what questions to …

Michigan Creative Staff Chat

Happy Clients, Happy Creative Team

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably at some point stumbled across the homepage of our website. As it says in white ultra-bold Gotham text, we live to create. It’s even one of our core values because it’s part of the framework for all of Michigan Creative. Oops, it’s in our name too. At Michigan Creative, you’re not just getting another …

More Than Marketing

MC Greenprint: Marketing Made for You

Why do we need a plan? Can’t we just go for it? These are questions we often hear when introducing the MC Greenprint. It’s not that we can’t simply run a marketing campaign. Without fully understanding your audience, what the message should be, or what you want to accomplish, it can be challenging to make that campaign successful. A successful …

Green print

6 Steps To Create an Effective Marketing Plan

A marketing plan, like our MC Greenprint, is a document that optimizes your marketing strategies. As a company, these plans are necessary because they establish a paved path for your growth. The MC Greenprint and other marketing plans should include SMART objectives utilizing resources, insights, timelines, and other metrics to keep your business on track. It gives your business direction, …

person working in an office at a laptop

Marketing: A Client Focused Process

When we work with clients, one of the first things we do is learn who they are as a business. At Michigan Creative, marketing is a client-focused process. We start with a kick-off meeting, and then we start our deep dive. Our project managers meet with the client, and here starts a little homework process. The homework gives our team …