Image for blog about storytelling

The Power Of Storytelling In Marketing

There’s no system for creativity, no step-by-step instructions etched into stone, and no limit on the ideas you can create. When it comes to advertising and marketing, the power of storytelling is what will support those creative ideas. As a company with creative in its name, Michigan Creative can find the unique story behind your company or products and separate …

person working in an office at a laptop

Strategic Marketing Planning for 2022

The new year is right around the corner, so your company needs a plan for its updated marketing efforts. A lot can change within a year, and many of the ideas and techniques you used this time will be obsolete in the next. Luckily for you, Michigan Creative has a few innovative ways your company can get ahead of the …

More Than Marketing

MC Greenprint: Marketing Made for You

Why do we need a plan? Can’t we just go for it? These are questions we often hear when introducing the MC Greenprint. It’s not that we can’t simply run a marketing campaign. Without fully understanding your audience, what the message should be, or what you want to accomplish, it can be challenging to make that campaign successful. A successful …

Green print

6 Steps To Create an Effective Marketing Plan

A marketing plan, like our MC Greenprint, is a document that optimizes your marketing strategies. As a company, these plans are necessary because they establish a paved path for your growth. The MC Greenprint and other marketing plans should include SMART objectives utilizing resources, insights, timelines, and other metrics to keep your business on track. It gives your business direction, …

Marketing for Growth in 2021

It’s no secret that sales don’t exactly appear out of thin air. In fact, increasing sales is a common marketing objective. The truth is marketing is what nurtures your sales, and this begins through the different marketing decisions your company makes. Every potential sale needs its very own type of care, which is a perfect example of why you should …

MC Greenprint

The MC Greenprint: Strategy Made Easy

Have you ever built furniture with directions that don’t quite make sense? Sometimes the instructions are misleading, or the diagram shows pieces you aren’t even sure you have. It can be difficult to create the finished piece. Without clear direction, you might have to tear everything apart to start over again. No one wants a shaky, uneven piece of furniture. …