Achievement Agreement Arms

Maximize Graphic Design for your Business eBook Pt. II: Utilizing Stock Photos

Below is the blog we published previously on maximizing graphic design for your business eBook. We still think that you need great imagery when creating an eBook, and utilizing quality stock photos can help you reach that goal. Adding personal touches through Canva or another editing software is just the cherry on top. We were recently contacted by Amos Struck, a …

Blogging Business CMS

Writing isn’t dead, and you should be doing it

Lately, social media is all about photos, video, and reaching your followers and consumers with relatable, visually aesthetic content. Just by that description, writing doesn’t often fit the bill. But why is that? It’s been thought that writing and creating content to be read is becoming less and less popular – dying, even. Unless you live under a rock, you’ve …

Food Health Plate

Take note of these back to back national days: Mental Health Day & Depression Screening Day

Every single day seems to be a national day for something, except these two are important. You may not be aware of it, but yesterday, October 10th was National Mental Health Day. It was posted about all over social media, creating awareness for mental health, and resources too. Just about every influencer and many people on social media had something to …

your business is a tree

Let’s talk about your health and how it affects your business

Health: mental, physical, emotional. It’s something you’re probably tired of reading and talking about, but hear us out on this one. It’s something that controls your life, even when you don’t think it might be. Your health is crucial to be thinking about, day in and day out. It has a huge affect on your business, whether or not you’re …


Human beings are storytellers by nature.

Human beings are storytellers by nature. Increasingly, businesses are finding ways of tapping into our affinity for stories and discovering the power than can be unlocked by telling a simple tale. When Simon Sinek says in his TED Talk that “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it,” he is speaking to the kind of business-client …


How A Rebrand Can Change Your Business

A rebrand is often the hardest and scariest part of any business attempting to change. Convincing others that this is the right decision and keeping your old, loyal audience is tricky. A rebranding process requires immense focus to pull off and Jagermeister is knee deep in a total rebranding process right now. I applaud them for trying to change their image. The …

michigan creative marketing

4 Tips to Choosing the Right Marketing Company for Your Business

4 Tips to Choosing the Right Marketing Company for Your Business While the online world can impressively provide endless possibilities for business owners, its vastness can sometimes be overwhelming and confusing. Particularly, choosing the right marketing company for your business can be a tricky and challenging affair. There are literally over 120,000 agencies in the United States alone and more …

video production companies michigan

The Deepest Purpose Of A Business

The deepest purpose of a business is to improve the lives of the people that work there. I heard that on a podcast while I was working out. I got off the machine I was on, it was a good excuse not to exercise, opened up Evernote and typed it in so I could write this blog. It is what …