The current marketing model is broken

Crafting a Strong Brand

It’s no secret what having a strong brand can do for your business. Essentially, a brand is what sets you apart from other businesses. Your brand helps you stand out from the competition and leaves an impression on your consumers. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, your brand should reflect who you are as a company. Your brand …

Video Production

How Our Core Values Drive Our Business

Identifying a business’s core values is fairly easy. Start with your intentions, understand your company’s value, and define from there. Finding a business with team members that implement those values is a bit harder. Core values are generally defined as the principles or beliefs that drive the behaviors of an organization. It’s an essential and guiding force to drive company …

The Practice of Selling You, to You

The Practice of Selling You, to You

I’ve heard sales defined as the sharing of enthusiasm. To effectively sell ourselves on us, we may need to borrow some of that enthusiasm, from ourselves; but on a day when we were still excited about our dreams, goals, and future. Rekindling our belief in ourselves can be challenging at best; it will involve rehearsing purpose, keeping compassionate records, and …

web design lansing

Avoiding a Branding Identity Crises.

Brand Standards Guide: What is it?   Certain companies come to mind when looking for a particular product or service, like Target or Walmart; likewise, most people can easily identify a Target branded message from a Walmart advertisement? Many can do this without needing to see things like the company’s logo. When we think of our favorite brands, we think of …


The Revitalizing Power of Saying “No” to Excess.

  No, is such a small word in size; but one that carries such power, strategy, and weightiness.  No is often one of the first words that we learn as children. No, no, no, said every two year old! What was so easy and simple, now becomes painful to say.  We are told not to waste and to hang on …

Video Production for Branding

Why Video Is Your Company’s Secret Branding Weapon

Video content is easily one of the most exciting digital marketing mediums for businesses of all sizes today, and for good reason. After all, Youtube alone has over a billion users, 85% of Internet users in the The U.S. watch videos online, and a third of all activity online is spent watching video. And several studies have found that marketers …

mobile website

Steps to creating a powerful brand identity

No matter what your company produces, having a consistent brand is essential to reach potential and current customers. In the digital age, social media marketing is becoming one of the most popular ways to receive brand recognition. However, there are several steps your company must take to capitalize on their posts before initiating a social media campaign. DEFINE YOURSELF Who …

Achievement Agreement Arms

Maximize Graphic Design for your Business eBook Pt. II: Utilizing Stock Photos

Below is the blog we published previously on maximizing graphic design for your business eBook. We still think that you need great imagery when creating an eBook, and utilizing quality stock photos can help you reach that goal. Adding personal touches through Canva or another editing software is just the cherry on top. We were recently contacted by Amos Struck, a …

Blogging Business CMS

Writing isn’t dead, and you should be doing it

Lately, social media is all about photos, video, and reaching your followers and consumers with relatable, visually aesthetic content. Just by that description, writing doesn’t often fit the bill. But why is that? It’s been thought that writing and creating content to be read is becoming less and less popular – dying, even. Unless you live under a rock, you’ve …

Food Health Plate

Take note of these back to back national days: Mental Health Day & Depression Screening Day

Every single day seems to be a national day for something, except these two are important. You may not be aware of it, but yesterday, October 10th was National Mental Health Day. It was posted about all over social media, creating awareness for mental health, and resources too. Just about every influencer and many people on social media had something to …