The Web Process: What To Expect

Solidifying our web process as a growing business has been a work in process. With each contract we sign, and project we work on, we figure out new and innovative ways to speed things up and provide professional results to our clients. Accepting that our process will always be an ever-improving project has saved us tons of headache. So what …

mobile website

Steps to creating a powerful brand identity

No matter what your company produces, having a consistent brand is essential to reach potential and current customers. In the digital age, social media marketing is becoming one of the most popular ways to receive brand recognition. However, there are several steps your company must take to capitalize on their posts before initiating a social media campaign. DEFINE YOURSELF Who …

Creative Collaboration In The Office

Creative Collaboration In The Office

“Look behind any creative success story and you’ll usually find a great team, a group of passionate people who raised each other’s game.” (Christian Jarrett) Creative collaboration in the office here at Michigan Creative is key and I really don’t think I could find a more perfect quote to describe this company if I tried! By this point, I’m sure …

Incorporating Graphics Into Your Video

Does Your Website Need Video Content?

Business ownership requires leadership skills, teamwork, an entrepreneurial spirit, methods that work and an audience to support it. In other words, running a business requires basic resources in order gain access to even more resources. For a small business, different types of resources like money and time aren’t readily available to waste. A business plan needs to be spelled out …

Using Video As Your Website Background

Building Your Own Website

You’ve got a cool business, and you want to show it off. Billboards are outdated, so what’s your next move? Have you considered building your own website? Building an attractive website can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your business. In today’s world, our cell phones act as our billboards. Having access to advertisements, internet …

Why Video and Social Media Go Hand in Hand

We all know that social media is a key component to the success of any business, driving increased traffic to your website, generating leads, improving your search ranking, and much more. We have also seen, especially recently, that video is another key factor in this area. Videos engage potential clients, more so than text alone, because they are (or at …