Five Easy Places to Find Social Media Content

Do you ever find yourself staring at your computer, wracking your brain for the answer to “what the heck am I going to post on Facebook today”? Fear not social media mangers: there are easy ways and places to find content that are right under your nose. Many of the places I look for content are easy to search and …

Technology Innovation Center Promotes Small Business Success

The Technology Innovation Center (TIC) of East Lansing is a wonderful opportunity for small business owners and entrepreneurs to get a head start on their business plans. The mission of the TIC is to generate and advance the culture of entrepreneurship in the community and to expand the technology based economy in the market. Located downtown, the center has given host …

Video, Video, and Stuff

Hello, Lansing! Michigan Creative has been full of busy bees as we close the chapter on Summer 2012 and start preparing for fall. With this comes an increase in the traffic and local business profits as the MSU students return, and a few changes in what the heck we’re doing around here. Last week I had a shoot with Red …