our ideas

Video, Video, and Stuff


Hello, Lansing!

Michigan Creative has been full of busy bees as we close the chapter on Summer 2012 and start preparing for fall. With this comes an increase in the traffic and local business profits as the MSU students return, and a few changes in what the heck we’re doing around here.

Last week I had a shoot with Red Cedar Cafe in preparation for a football themed video. The shoot was a blast and I’m excited to show everyone the final product! Spending a day watching them craft their desserts has left me craving something sweet … at least there isn’t much time left for swimsuit season? ^_^

We’ve been working on a few more videos for the Michigan Oral Health Coalition following some interviews we conducted a while ago with some incredible individuals who are providing dental sealants and other services to kids at the schools in their area. I’m constantly learning new things with these guys – such as the fact that infections in baby teeth can shoot right on up the root and infect the adult teeth waiting to come down. Makes me thankful that my Dad always made me brush my teeth before bed!

And we had a top secret meeting with a local company that you all know and love, but because it’s so confidential I am not authorized to give any details without an satellite zapping me into orbit. But I will say this: it’s going to be funny, and it’s going to be awesome. More details to come …

But for now, I edit away … I sure do love video!
