video production

Chloe’s first week at Michigan Creative

I started my editing internship at Michigan Creative a little over a week ago, and already I get the sense that this will be a good fit for me. I’m a student at Michigan State, just finishing my junior year. My interests include my cat, binge-watching Netflix, and all things digital. Since this time next year I’ll be thrown into …

michigan creative marketing

4 Tips to Choosing the Right Marketing Company for Your Business

4 Tips to Choosing the Right Marketing Company for Your Business While the online world can impressively provide endless possibilities for business owners, its vastness can sometimes be overwhelming and confusing. Particularly, choosing the right marketing company for your business can be a tricky and challenging affair. There are literally over 120,000 agencies in the United States alone and more …

Why Journaling Is The Best Habit To Never Break

Why Journaling Is The Best Habit To Never Break

We’ve seen the scene a million times: a teenage girl pouring her heart out between the pages of a patterned journal. She sits amongst her perfectly pastel bedroom walls writing to an invisible third party about the cute boy in her English class. Granted, the word “diary” is normally used in this context, but the idea is still the same. …

Internship Michigan

Love the Learnin’

The longer I intern here, the more I want to do. The thing I love the most about interning at Michigan Creative is all the jobs I’m able to accomplish. It seems that everyday there’s at least one job for me to sink my teeth into, and I love it! It has definitely been a fun experience so far, and I …

Internship Michigan

An Introduction to Me

Four years ago, I was a girl in a small town north of Grand Rapids just trying to get through high school and hang out with a few friends. Last year, I completed The Early College program through Lansing Community College, and have since then been working on completing my Associates for the Graphic Communications degree. This year, I’m almost …

Michigan marketing

Take a Weekend Off to Enjoy Pure Michigan This Summer. Seriously.

If you’ve spent any amount of time around a TV or radio in the past few years, you’ve probably heard it. First it starts with the sweet notes on a piano playing a melancholy song, then is accompanied by the unmistakable and reminiscent voice of Tim Allen.The ad takes its audience on a sweeping journey through Michigan, captivatingly describing the …