Fractional CMO Bring to Your Business

Learning To Be a Better Leader

When you’re a leader, every day is a learning curve. You constantly question if there is a better way to do something or a better way to handle a situation. You hope that your cumulative experience will make you a better leader than you were yesterday. Every day is a new challenge, which means a new opportunity to learn how …

Women in Leadership

Women in Leadership: The Creative Force

Leadership is one of our core values here at Michigan Creative, and it’s one of my favorite topics. At its root meaning, a good leader makes everyone around them better than themselves. I will be the first to admit, I do not know everything there is to know about being a leader (because who does?). It’s a learning process. Luckily, …

MC CoverPhoto

How To Spark Creativity

For our team, creativity comes somewhat naturally. We enjoy creating and pushing the boundaries with our work. You’ve heard us say it before, but we live to create. This phrase made it into our core values because the work we do feeds our creative outlet, and we value that. We understand that not everyone wakes up creative. We know that …

Marketing Done Differently tagline for Michigan Creative

Marketing Done Differently

There’s a problem that surrounds our industry. As a marketing company, we strive to be upfront and honest with every client. This is why one of our core values is ensuring others have a better day because you are a part of it. Every industry has positives and negatives to what they do. For our industry (marketing), we are constantly …

Backwards Burglar

A Thank You From Your Favorite Creatives

As you may have noticed, the Backwards Burglar is not your typical burglar. Instead of stealing joy, he brings it. This holiday season, our team pulled in efforts to help the Backwards Burglar spread joy. Through our community, the Backwards Burglar was able to break into two homes where he not only left gifts but smiling faces and memories to …

Behind the Scenes

A Behind the Scenes Look at Michigan Creative

What a year it’s been! Although 2020 may not have been the best and brightest, we managed to coast our way through the pandemic and even continue to grow as the year progressed. The global pandemic may have dampened our spirits and daily workflow at first, but by changing the way we approached our day-to-day operations and projects, we adjusted …