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    A Thank You From Your Favorite Creatives

    Backwards Burglar

    As you may have noticed, the Backwards Burglar is not your typical burglar. Instead of stealing joy, he brings it. This holiday season, our team pulled in efforts to help the Backwards Burglar spread joy. Through our community, the Backwards Burglar was able to break into two homes where he not only left gifts but smiling faces and memories to last a lifetime. Spreading positivity is important to the Backwards Burglar and the team here at Michigan Creative. So much so, that it is a part of our core values at Michigan Creative.

    This year’s event was a success in our eyes, and that was because of our community. Our team wants to thank each and every person who participated in the annual Backwards Burglar event. We were really able to make the holiday for two families, and that is what this event is all about. The Michigan Creative team strongly believes in our company core values, and we do everything we can to live up to them. The Backwards Burglar is a result of those values. We want to not only thank you but share with you the success of and meaning behind this annual event hosted by Michigan Creative.

    Everyone we come in contact with should have a better day. 

    “This year’s event was one that really touched my heart,” Brian Town, CEO and founder of Michigan Creative explained. “Not only did we help parents make Christmas morning special for their kids, but our community came together to make it happen. Thank you to all who donated and participated, we couldn’t have done this without your support.”

    2020 marked the fifth year of the Backwards Burglar and his antics. He also considers every year a success, but this year was truly something special to everyone involved. This year may have been a bit more difficult to plan, but the trickster that he is, the Backwards Burglar pulled it off again. We are so grateful that we were able to partner with Child and Family Charities. Their programs help many families within the Lansing community, and we are proud to be able to help support their efforts. Supporting the surrounding community is important to us. We’re glad the Backwards Burglar makes his yearly holiday appearance to remind us that those kind words and actions always put a smile on someone’s face.

    Our core values are an important part of how we approach work and our daily lives here at Michigan Creative. The Backwards Burglar is a perfect representation of one of the ways we try to brighten the days of those around us. Positivity and smiles are contagious (in a good way), and the Backwards Burglar is a pro at spreading it loud for all to hear.