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    A Behind the Scenes Look at Michigan Creative

    Behind the Scenes

    What a year it’s been! Although 2020 may not have been the best and brightest, we managed to coast our way through the pandemic and even continue to grow as the year progressed. The global pandemic may have dampened our spirits and daily workflow at first, but by changing the way we approached our day-to-day operations and projects, we adjusted and ultimately, thrived. We used our core values as mantras and one core value in particular that we held on to this year was: Every problem has a solution

    We actually started out 2020 pretty strong. Our team had a strategy and plan in place for what we wanted to accomplish for the year. Every team member was on board and making moves. Then, just when things were running smoothly, we had to change things up because of the pandemic.

    If you don’t make any mistakes, how can you learn? 

    March was a challenge for all of us. We suddenly had to adapt to new rules and new ways to go about doing business. We knew our goals for the year and we’re on track to make them happen. Then pandemic hit, and these goals felt impossible! With non-essential workers not able to come into the office, we had to revisit our processes and utilize new tools to be able to coordinate successfully as a team. We began to focus heavily on every problem has a solution in order to find creative ways to adapt. Testing new software capabilities and constantly chatting with each other online became the norm for this year. Adapting can be difficult, but it became vital to maintaining business as usual. By focusing on our core values and changing our processes as needed, we were not only able to strengthen our team but also position our business for future growth.

    To be successful in business, we had to maintain communication as a team and with our clients. Trial and error may have been the name of the game at the start of the pandemic, but we were able to discover several great solutions. Zoom became our new best friend. We established regular check-in meetings internally to go over daily tasks and projects and solve problems as they arose. Meeting virtually allowed us to continue working cohesively as a team even without the ability to work in the same physical space. Basecamp became our new foundation for the majority of communication for our day to day work and tracking project completion. Merging our daily procedures from completely in-person to completely online was tough, but we faced our problems head-on and came out of the year with solidified processes. 

    Adjusting to new challenges

    Our challenges did not end with internal structure. We also had to find new ways to help our clients expand their influence as a business. Meeting virtually allowed us to continue working with our clients just in a more digital way. We may not love staring at a computer screen all day. We would much rather meet with our clients in person. But virtual meetings did allow us to stay connected and help our clients transition into the virtual world. Going virtual takes a lot of time and effort, and we want our clients to be able to experience growth despite the many challenges this year has presented. Establishing an online presence is even more important now than ever before. With our experience in web design and digital marketing, we were able to help many of our clients refresh their websites and get their name out to their target audiences. We also established partnerships to help our clients set-up e-commerce and contactless payment options. While navigating the pandemic may be difficult, we strive to ease the burden for our clients by continuing to provide them with creative solutions for the new virtual era.

    Making mistakes can be tough. It takes a lot of courage to grow and make bold moves that may or may not work out well. Our team found out just how tough we are this year. Because we believe that every problem has a solution, we were able to pull through the year stronger than ever! Implementing new virtual technology and adapting our internal processes allowed us to achieve growth even during the pandemic. Our goal moving forward is to be able to help our clients implement similar strategies and introduce partnerships to achieve growth despite any hardships we may continue to face. If you’ve been struggling, we may be able to help. Give us a call.