Michigan Creative Team

Marketing Tactics Manufacturers May Be Missing

As older generations prepare to leave the workforce, and technology continues to advance, you and your business must adapt to current marketing trends. With the rise of social media and the popularity of cellphones, there are some marketing tactics manufacturers may be missing out on. People now rely on technology like Google and Facebook to do the searching for them. …

Video Production

Why Skilled Trades Need A Marketing Strategy

There are endless amounts of great jobs available in the skilled trades industry. The problem most companies are having is reaching their talent. The industry is advancing and your marketing efforts should be too. Whether you’re trying to get the attention of wholesalers, distributors, retailers or all three, every business owner working in a skilled trade needs a marketing strategy. It’s …

manufacturing marketing

The myth surrounding the trades and manufacturing

The myth surrounding the trades and manufacturing. More than 35% of students who go to college will either change their academic major several times or drop out of college entirely. The biggest reason? They were not interested in a particular field before they went to school, and they did not have a “place” when they get there. Beyond this problem, …