our ideas

Why Do You Need To Blog?

Why You Need To Change Your Blogging Strategy

We’ve gotten really serious about blogging here at Michigan Creative lately, and it definitely isn’t because we’re bored or don’t have anything else to do! We’re crazy busy and everyone has a lot going on (which is a good thing!), but blogging is just so important that we’ve been setting aside time specifically for that purpose. You might be wondering, why do you need to blog? How could it possibly be that important?

Put it this way… Do you want people to visit your website? Get interested in what you do? Learn more about the people behind your business? Bring their business to you? If you answered yes to one, two, ALL, of these questions, you need to be blogging! If that alone isn’t enough to convince you, maybe you need a detailed list of what blogging can do…

Oh, look! A detailed list of what blogging can do!

1. Drive Traffic To Your Website (In Two Big Ways)

Frequently writing new blogs creates more pages on your website. This lets Google and other search engines know that you’re keeping your website updated by adding new content and that there is something there for them to show people. If you’ve got more content on your site, in turn giving search engines more content to discover, you’ll pop up in peoples’ searches more often! Woo!

Blogging is also a big deal on social media. Take Facebook, for example. You’ve already got however many likes, so you won’t be gaining new followers by sharing a blog, but what about when people share your blogs to their own pages? Think about all of their friends, that haven’t already liked your page, or maybe even heard of you, that will see your content! That’s a whole new audience for you to reach.

2. Give Your Business A Personality

You’ve got an About Us page, you post on all of your social media, and you network… But if you’ve never actually met the people that visit your website, how much do you think they really know about the people that make your business, well, your business? The answer is probably not very much! Reading an About Us page can only do so much, but blogging can actually give a voice to your website, or, if you’re like us, and have several people writing content, multiple different voices!

3. Provide Information To Potential Clients

If someone searches for “video production” in their area and one of our blogs on the subject shows in the results, we hope that they read it and realize we can do exactly what they need. Blogging about what you offer and can do for potential clients is a great way to help build their trust in you, especially if you have frequent, new content for them to come back and read. Reading a blog feels much more personal than simply skimming the services page of a website.

4. Keep Your Business Current

Everyone is blogging now. If they aren’t, they should be. Having a business blog is so important because of the above reasons and more, but you also need one because you don’t want to be the only company around that doesn’t have one. If you find yourself competing with a company that has a nice, up-to-date website, and a great blog, and you’ve only got the website, you’re very likely to lose business to them. Why? Well, because their blog gives them a personality and provides relevant information to their customers!

So, thinking about starting a blog now? Check out some of the other posts on our blog for a little inspiration!

– Alli Myers

