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How to write a great blog

Michigan Creative
content marketing

Blogging has evolved since it took the internet by storm a little over a decade ago. Many of the same rules of blogging apply while in contrast others have died and gone to the waste side only to be replaced by better tips. Identifying the best tips for your blog is going to be based on your reason for blogging. Is it to express yourself and your personal views? Are you trying to drive content to another location like a sales website? Are you trying to drum up interest for your business? All of these different reasons would require a slightly different focus to get the results you are looking for. Here are some general blogging tips that will help you achieve your blogging goals.

  • Use Media – The best blogs have some sort of media content like videos, images, or interactive media. Not only does it enhance the visitor’s experience, it adds value to the written content. You could also use info graphics like with charts and graphs to put the information into context.
  • Tag Images – Tagging your images helps to increase traffic from a search engine. Alt tag descriptions are descriptions of the image embedded in the image tag source code. Every image on the blog page is allowed to have an alt tag, but only use one per image.
  • Page Loading – Your blog page should load quickly with the latest blogs available at the top. If your page is loading slowly it may be because of what is installed on the blog, or it can be due to the fact there are too many large files that have to download on the page such as videos or large images.
  • Keep Blogs About Company to a Minimum – This is not a place for press release type articles, information about office events or annual office celebrations. This content is supposed to be wide reaching were the person who cares nothing about your company could be interested. Readers are looking to be taught and informed about various subjects. If they want to know about your company, they will go to your website and gather information.
  • Respond to Comments – Blogging is about engaging the reader, so if they take the time to leave a comment on your blog, then you need to take the time to make sure your respond. This is how you can begin to build a rapport with your readers.
  • Blog and blog Frequently – Where many company’s and bloggers go wrong is they simply do not post enough. To have a successful blog, you need to post blogs often and you possibly can. This will keep your viewers engaged and help to build the relationship with your followers.

Blogging is not for the faint of heart. For it to be successful it takes quite a bit of work, but following these tips will help to take your blogging and the benefits of blogging to the next level.