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Why You Need A Website Redesign

Michigan Creative
Using Video As Your Website Background

The idea of having a useful, attractive, and easy to use website for your business gets talked about a lot around here, and that’s because of how important it is. It’s one aspect of marketing that is becoming more and more relevant and should not be overlooked.

If you already have a website for your business, then you are off to a great start! But, when was the last time you made updates to it? Is it compatible for viewing on all devices? Is the information up to date? If you aren’t sure of the answers to questions such as these, then it might be time for a website redesign.

Redesigning your website might sound kind of scary, but it really doesn’t have to be complicated and can greatly help your business.

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One of the most important reasons as to why you need a website redesign is because your competitors are already a step ahead of you. There are so many great websites out there now that you need to make sure that you are keeping up with them. You don’t want a potential customer viewing your website and not being able to comfortably navigate to get the information they need, causing them to leave your site to find another. You need to be constantly researching your competition to see what they are doing with their site, and make your own changes with that in mind.

Another reason that you need a website redesign is based on the increasing amount of people using mobile to browse the web; mobile is rapidly becoming one of the top forms of technology for online web browsing. Have you ever tried to view a website on your phone that was not mobile friendly? It’s a disaster and makes it almost impossible to view the website. This is the last thing you want when people come to your website! You want to make sure that your site is compatible and easy to view on all types of different devices.

A more obvious reason to redesign your website is to simply make it look good! Your website is like a giant interactive billboard for your business: you want it to look great, work well, and act as a correct representation of your company. Make sure to utilize good color schemes, fonts, and pictures that represent your brand. Customers should feel comfortable and familiar with your business when they visit your website, so you want to have a consistent style in all of your designs.

Whether you are trying to keep up with competitors’ designs, make your site compatible for mobile devices, or simply want to make a graphic design update, keeping your website design up to date is very important, because it will ensure that your visitors are given a pleasing experience when dealing with your business.

If you have any questions about redesigning your website or how Michigan Creative can help you, fill out the contact form below or click the button below for a free website assessment!

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– Brandon Girard
