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The Magic of Video Advertising

As your customer or client, I want to meet you. I want to meet your business, and see how it’s run first-hand and what you do there. I want to see examples, smiling employees, and happy customers like me thrilled with the service they received. I want to see people coming in and out glad that they were introduced to this business. I want to take that knowledge and go there unsurprised by what I am expecting. I want to get to know this business, and know what I’m getting into before I use my hard-earned money on your services. This is why videos are so important.
The first step in building a relationship is introducing yourself to your client, which can be easier with a video. It is more personal to see the head CEO talking to the people through a video as if they are respected customers, than to read another speel about a business on their website that seems the same as all the others. If the person on the other side of the screen looks kind, respectable, professional, and knowledgeable on what they are doing, then people are more likely to trust the business and would be more willing to work with them. This is because people are able to grow a semi-personal relationship with the person in the video, and when they come in to work with him or her, they will instantly recognize them as the cool person from the video they saw. The familiarity will help build the relationship easier, and when you help them in real life like the way they had been introduced to you in the video, you have a customer who will tell his or her friends about the business for life. By sending them links to your site and video they can be introduced to you as well as having that word-of-mouth advertising. The branches grow, and the business grows with it. Let the people get to know you better.
Now that you know that video is a viable medium to advertise your company, how do you post it? With YouTube, for instance, millions of people visit the website daily, or link back to it when they find something really cool to share. However, by posting it on your own site, you’re able to keep the people within your webpage only, and thus they can explore who you are as a company in more detail than a passing video. What are the pros and cons to both?
For YouTube, the website has a huge following, and with millions visiting the site daily. Because of this, there is bound to be some traffic leading the viewer to your video, especially if they’re searching something that pertains to your business. Even if they watch a video from a competitor, if they don’t like the way the video looks or feels—or is looking for more options—and they look in the Recommended List on the right-hand side of the screen, they may very well see your video. Because of this, the higher quality will most likely lead them to your business instead. You can also place the link of your business into the description of your video, or make an annotation over the video towards the end of it, and the people will have a higher chance of visiting your site. While keeping the video on your site is useful in keeping people within your site, putting it on YouTube will help people find you easier, especially if they’re not too sure as to what they are looking for and have a preference to video search over web search. Dress nicely, be sincere, and talk to your potential customers and clients with utmost respect while showing what your business does. This may give your video a higher chance for sharing, while also having people be more drawn to your video instead of someone else’s.
As for the videos on your own site, the best part is clear: The people have more of a chance of staying on your own site. While YouTube can lead potential customers and clients to your video via their Recommended List, having a video for your own site can help people come right into your website via a quick Google search. As is stated in the infographic, video is more likely to be placed on the 1st page of Google—usually within the top five choices, behind the ads. This is important because that will lead people to your business quicker—if not first—and if they stay on your business’s page, then they’ll be able to get to know your business even faster. Then, if they want to share the video, they’re not only sharing the one item, but the entire website as well. This option keeps it more personal to your website, so definitely making sure you have a website to back-up your business is extremely useful.
After looking at why video is so useful, and possible mediums to post said advertisements, the question is: What is the best way to advertise your company? Do you want it accessible in YouTube with a lower chance rate that they will visit your site but may have more publicity with the Recommended List, or do you want a way for the people to stay on your website and see your business as a whole from the first click? No matter what you decide, the important thing is getting out there and letting your clients and customers know who you are as personally as possible.
So, let’s pull out our cameras, put on a smile, and help our clients and customers know that they can trust us. We want to treat them with respect and give them the best service possible. Let’s be sure that they know that.
Need help making a video for your company? We can help with that here at Michigan Creative.