our ideas

The DOs and DON’Ts of Email Marketing


So you’re a small business and you want to start an email marketing campaign. You know little about this topic except for you probably open very few of them yourself. So you’re asking, how can I run a successful email marketing campaign for my business?
A good place to start is a solid list of Email Marketing Dos:

  • Do: Make sure your message is clear and makes sense
  • Do: Provide value to the reader through interesting, relevant, and current information
  • Do: Update your contact list frequently and correct addresses that come back as undeliverable
  • Do: Design your email newsletter with mobile platforms in mind
  • Do: Mail consistently–most suggest at least one email newsletter every 90 days
  • Do: Use short paragraphs and use things like bullet points or dashes to organize your content
  • Do: Create a solid subject line
  • Do: Let readers know about upcoming events
  • Do: Spell check and proof read for confusing content
  • Do: Provide contact information and links to your social media accounts
  • Do: Include links that direct people to your website
  • Do: Provide readers will an “unsubscribe” link
  • Do: Pick an email marketing platform that best suites your business needs


And another great place to start that pairs well with the first list is a list of Email Marketing Don’ts:

  • Do not: Write subject lines or content in all captial letters
  • Do not: Use hard to read fonts or colors or use a distrtacting background
  • Do not: Mail too frequently
  • Do not: Hide your unsubscribe link
  • Do not: Only talk about your company, your sales, and how awesome you are

Overall, the best way to answer your questions about social media is to try things out and adjust from there depending on what works and doesn’t work. Just like social media, there isn’t an official list of rules when it comes to email marketing; the rules need to be adjusted to fit the needs and interests of a company and its customers.
Until next time!


“I believe if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions, they will be moved to act.” 

                                                                                                                          ~ Bill Gates


I’d like to thank the following two websites for helping me out with this content!