our ideas

One Day in Detroit


Michigan Creative Video is getting excited about participating in one day in detroit on April 26th, where we will be helping other filmmakers like ourselves to answer 10 questions about the great city of Detroit, like:

“What do you love about your city?”

“What is the best thing happening in your city today?”

We are excited to help tell the story of what great things are happening in Detroit! one day on earth is aiming to “inform the future of our cities”, and the videos, like this one in Detroit, are created by professional filmmakers, independent filmmakers, non-profits and citizens alike to create “an interactive geo-tagged archive and a TV series on the future of the American city”. Michigan Creative is proud to be a part of something like this! We are excited to be in Detroit, talk to the people that live in the great city, and put everything they have to say into what we do best: video! Showing this powerful story will make a much bigger impression than simply telling it.

We are so proud of our city of Lansing and love telling people about the great things going on here, and the same goes for Detroit. Being a small business with such strong ties to our city, we know how important it is to spread the good word about good things in good cities around the country!


Brought to you by Michigan Creative Video