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Managers on Social Media Sites


Here at Michigan Creative, we are often asked about how you control managers on social media sites. It is an important question to ask-how do you, as the owner, control who has access to what? How do you insure that your sites won’t be hacked or deleted by disgruntled employees?

Sound ridiculous? Well, it really does happen, which is why it’s important to take measures to protect yourself against them! Below is a list of many of the major social media sites and how you chose/control managers for each one.


As many of you know, you do need a personal Facebook page in order to create a business Facebook page. This means that your page is connected to specific profiles. However, you can manage these profiles and limit abilities of certain people to avoid catastrophe!

When inside of your business page, visit the ‘Settings’ tab. Once there, click on ‘Page Roles’. Here is where you can control the managers of the page.

You do not need to be friends with managers/editors of the page, but you do need the email that their Facebook account is set up with. They also need to like the page before you can add them as a manager/editor.

Facebook offers five different manager options: Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, and Analyst. Each has their specific functions, learn more about each one here.


Just like Facebook, you do need a personal profile in order to make a business page. You have to also have an email with the URL of that business in order to create the business page.

You must be connected with someone you are trying to make a designated admin for the business page. You simply type in their name to add them.

There is just the choice to be ‘admin’ for LinkedIn business pages. Choose who you add wisely here because they could easily delete you as admin or delete the page if they wanted to!


There is not an option to add managers on a Twitter page. Since you do not need a personal profile to create a business profile, there is no differentiation in logins or responsibilities for the users. To ‘make someone an admin’ for a business Twitter account, you must simply provide them with the login information.

This obviously gives users full access to the page; again, you must choose wisely who you choose to give this access to as they could change the email, profile picture, send tweets, and delete the account, just to name a few!


Just like Twitter, there is not an option to add managers to a Pinterest business page. You simply share the login information with who you choose to be a ‘manager’.

Another option with Pinterest is to invite people to pin on your boards. Let’s say you don’t want an employee to have full access to your business Pinterest account-you can simply invite them to pin on one or a few boards. This is a nice option for you to get more content without giving up full access. Guest pinners can easily be removed if they abuse their power as well.


You must have a personal Google+ in order to create a business Google+ page. A major downfall with Google+ is that the page will remain connected to the original creator of the page. A way to get around this is to create a fake Google+ account and then create the page with that! We’ve done it many times at our business.

They do make it easy to add managers; just add a user to your circles and then visit your ‘Settings’ page. Click ‘Manager’ and you can add managers there. You must have the user in your circles  in order to add them as manager.

So there you have it! Although I didn’t include all social networks, I did go over some of the most popular business social media sites.

Until next time!




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