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How To Successfully Grow Your Blog

Lansing digital media


Many bloggers out there ranging from housewives to business owners often ask themselves, “ how do I grow my blog?” The best advice I could give is to stay with it; you don’t want your blog posts to slip, just because you’re in the process of building a following. I am going to share with you the inside tips and tricks to keep your blog going strong and build your empire!


Target your audience and give to them what they are searching for. Think of yourself in their position, what would you want to know about a business and its products and services? Are you targeting your audiences’ specific needs and inquiries, through your content? I cannot stress enough how imperative it is to aid your exiting clients, using your platform wisely. The last thing you want to do as a blogger and business is ignore your following, because its not as big as you would like it to be. Part of growing that business is to keep up on your blogging, especially this day and age!


This may see obvious but interacting with your fellow bloggers and prospective clientele, is central in keeping your business alive. You want to remain as helpful as possible; this doesn’t mean that you know everything. However you certainly know more than most when it comes to your knowledge on your company. Remaining honest with your followers is the most authentic way to reach and keep them. Another crucial step is to show them, don’t just tell them about something. We live in a highly digital age and therefore part of interacting needs to stem from video tutorials or webinars. This will allow your audience to put a face to the name and may feel more comfortable reaching out to you or your company.


Be consistent in your post updates; stay as relevant and true to your business as possible. If this means you may post a few times a week or once a week, whatever is most comfortable to your and your business objectives. The main point is to give your followers a service they can count on. As soon as your let your blog slide to the back burner, you will lose followers’ interests. In order to move up in your business you must spread the word, part of that means creating links in your blog and sharing the new information on various websites. How you get the word out is by sharing your content on social media, meaning Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Remember you are creating an outlet to service the needs of your followers, so be kind and share what you know with your audience, in a way that will benefit their needs as much as possible. Let your blog and business fall under the “gift that keeps on giving,” umbrella!


Make sure to check out www.michigancreative.com, we would love to help you with your blog!