our ideas

Breaking In Backwards

Backwards Burglar Logo

With the holidays right around the corner, we’re looking forward to welcoming back a friendly face – the Backwards Burglar. You may not have heard about him yet, but the Backwards Burglar is our holiday hero at Michigan Creative. While his name may not sound so inviting, his goal is to “burglarize” families in a helpful way. Instead of taking things from their home, he leaves gifts and spreads cheer for a happy holiday season. 

The holiday season can be difficult for some, so the Backwards Burglar is asking our community for help!

This year, he would like to increase his “burglary” and reach as many families as possible. If you know of someone in the Lansing area who could benefit from a holiday surprise, he’s here to help. Send us your submissions, and the Backwards Burglar will do his best! 

But that’s not where he stops. For the last two of his seven years, the Backwards Burglar has been grateful to partner with Child & Family Charities, a local non-profit organization dedicated to helping vulnerable families regain their footing. Child & Family Charities will again match donations with a family in their program who needs a boost of hope this holiday season. All the Backwards Burglar asks for is a wishlist, and he will deliver on his promises, filling the family’s home with gifts and the comfort of knowing kindness and support are out there within the community.

With his goal of helping even more families this year, he never turns down contributions from others. Let’s make this year the best by boosting his gift bag and donating to the Backwards Burglar GoFundMe. The more he receives, the more he can give back! Every penny counts, and all donations go back to the families. (We never said he was good at being a burglar.)

We can’t stop him. It’s in his nature to break into homes every holiday season, and we’re here to help make this year another success. Learn more about the Backwards Burglar and get involved in his holiday mission here