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5 Tips to Stay Cheerful this Winter Season

We live in a beautiful state. Every season we have here in Michigan offers a unique and beautiful scenery. Yes, even in winter! However, sometimes during the winter months, the lack of sunshine and excessive grey skies can leave us feeling a little down. While seasonal depression is not new, the fact that a lot of us are going to remain indoors with an inability to plan trips can understandably wear on people. As we progress through the winter months here in Lansing, how can we focus on positivity when the world outside seems bleak? We concentrate on self-care, as well as ensuring those around us are having a better day. You may recognize this, as these are a core value of a true Michigan Creative. You’ve heard our CEO, Brian Town, talk about making our corner a little bit brighter, this is how we work to do it. So, when the gloomy skies and lack of sunshine are starting to get to you, here are five tips to stay cheerful this winter season. And, if none of the below work, give us a call! One of our team members is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Just ask around!
Get Outside
Yes, we know it’s cold out there. But, we live in a beautiful state with many scenic views in the winter. Put on a mask (which also doubles as an extra heat source to keep your nose warm, so bonus!), and get outside. Take a walk, try some fun outdoor activities, and enjoy the fresh air. Also, don’t forget to look and see if you can spot any animals running through the snow. When you are ready, go back inside and warm up with your favorite warm beverage. Spending time outdoors is grounding for most and can give you that mental break from the world that some of us need right now.
Take Care of Yourself
Staying active can do wonders for your mood, help with anxiety, and it can help in other aspects of your life. Not only does exercise boost endorphins, but it can help take your mind off the worry. Don’t believe us? Give it a try! Then tag us in your sweaty selfie on social media, so we can see how big your smile is. But there is more to taking care of yourself than just exercise, make sure you are fueling your body with the delicious and nutritious foods it craves. Yes, this includes pizza and chocolate too because everything in moderation! Plus, we have some delicious, local restaurants here in Lansing that are a must try.
Treat Yourself
Although it can be hard to get certain things done at a salon right now, you can always transform your own home into a little spa for some extra relaxation. Draw a bath with some Epsom salts, grab your favorite book or movie, and enjoy an hour or two alone. Spend some time with yourself and let your worries go. Let yourself recharge by doing nothing productive. Fun tip: A nice mud mask and some calming essential oils always add a little something extra too!
Connect with Others
We may not be able to go out and do much, but we can still connect with new people. Check out some networking groups on social media. You may be surprised how many people are interested in the same things as you. While remaining careful, this is a great way to connect with new people. Plus, the connections you make now could turn into lasting friendships in the future. Just be mindful that not everyone is as they appear and to be safe! Please be safe. We don’t want anyone to get catfished (ha!).
Talk to Someone
There is no shame in talking to someone. In times like these, our mental health is more important than ever. And, what works for one may not work for the other. So if you need to write it down in a notebook, talk to a friend, or talk to a therapist, do it. Wake up 10 minutes early to write in your journal or spend 10 minutes before bed getting all your thoughts down on paper. Hop on a Zoom call with a friend for coffee or give them a ring on the phone. To stay safe at home, some therapy offices have established telehealth services. Some apps provide you with a therapist online. The tools are there, and if you feel this way, we encourage you to give it a try.
While this season can be difficult, remember that this too will pass. We hope the above steps can give you some relief from the dreary winter blues. And always remember to take a deep breath, remind yourself you got this, and keep going.