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The Onliness Statement That Tells All

Have you ever heard of an onliness statement? Once you learn what it is, you’ll understand why everyone could benefit from having one. Think of an onliness statement as a pitch that answers: the who, what, where, when, and why of your business. It not only tells your customers who you are, but it also gives your employees a clear understanding of where you’re going as a company.
Let’s get into what an onliness statement is and how your business can benefit from one, then dive deeper into how to create your onliness statement that tells all.
What Is an Onliness Statement?
The onliness statement gives your customers greater clarity into what makes your business unique. It brings your customers value and offers them insight into understanding who your company is on a deeper level. You may have a great brand. You may have the best employees in the world working for your company. What you do may even be life-changing for some people, but that’s not enough. Imagine if you had the opportunity to reach a larger audience. That’s what having an onliness statement that tells all does for your business- when accompanied with the correct marketing strategy, of course!
The Benefits
When your business has an onliness statement, it simplifies positioning. An onliness statement allows your company to position itself as an industry leader while giving you a more clearly defined mission for your brand strategy. An onliness statement also uniquely conveys who you are, which entices potential customers to learn more about your business. This pushes your customers down the sales pipeline encouraging further interaction with your business.
How Do I Get One?
If you’re reading this article, chances are you know how important it is to have a strong brand identity. In addition to this, you also need a clear message to go along with your brand. To get to this messaging and adequately execute a brand strategy, at least at Michigan Creative, we need to understand your business. The messaging process includes deep dives, jam sessions, and research. We learn your origin story, where you are today, and what future success looks like from your perspective. We then take this information and create an onliness statement that tells all about your business when it coincides with your core values (you can find ours here), taglines, and other messaging pieces.
At Michigan Creative, we live to create, and our team loves to help businesses all over the Midwest find their FINALLY message, so if you’re looking for some branding and messaging help, reach out to us! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, The Creative, to help stay up to date with the latest creativity, marketing, and business tips, tricks, and trends.