our ideas

Love Lansing and other cool stuff


I love Lansing. To me, and to a certain group that are reading this, it may sound cliché. Even though most of you may know I am not one to really mind if I am saying the correct thing or writing what I should. However, I hope that saying “Love Lansing” is cliché and over used.

That means that it worked, is working and will continue to work. A simple hashtag can define a city…possibly. #definelansing???

Imagine this if you will: Old town, early 2000’s. Did you go there? Was there five marketing companies, several galleries, restaurants, and a festival every weekend?

Michigan Avenue, near the stadium. What was across the street? Look now. Look West and East and then look down Washington. Was is full of people on a Saturday night? It is now.

Soup Spoon, Purple Carrot, Trailer Parked, Red Haven, The Loft, Grand River Cafe, Taco 911, Hop Cat…none of that arrived until a few years ago. Some just this year.

We have the new and we have the old. Reno’s. Crunchy’s, Nuthouse, Woody’s. BW’s, Beggars, Peanut Barrel.

We have not even talked about Haslett, Okemos, or Williamston. All of these are within a 20 minute drive.

I guess what my point is, if I really have one..is that we have an amazing place here in the center of the state. Any night, any day, something to do, somewhere local to eat and a place to call home.

REO town is next. West of Frandor and East of Sparrow is next. The riverwalk/riverfront is next. We all have picked a multi cultural, multi personality, amazing place to live and grow.

For those of you who have not heard of these places, time to get out, time to come see, and time to enjoy.

Or just call us at Michigan Creative, we will be your guide. But, you might have to buy the beer…Brian