MC Ticket
our ideas
First day as an intern

An early morning for a college student is waking up at 7:50am, but that’s exactly what I had to do as I started my first day as an intern at Michigan Creative. I left my house around 8:30am and drove to 934 Clark street in Lansing, I arrived at the office roughly around 9am. As I entered the building, after making sure I looked my best before my first day on the job, something caught my eye. In the middle of the building, there is a slide! Yes, a curvy slide in the middle of the building!! I know it sounds crazy, but I Immediately thought to myself “I have to go down that slide by the end of the week”. Talking with Brian, he lists the many new things I will be doing during my first week. After hearing what was on his agenda, I knew it was going to be an interesting week. Then when Brian introduced me to the Michigan Creative team, I knew immediately I was going to have a tremendous experience.
One of my projects was to learn YOAST SEO. Brian had purchased a class on YOAST SEO and told me to learn it by the end of the week and then teach it to him the next week. Once he said the name of the class he wanted me to take, I knew I was going to learn things that I never thought I would. I dove right in and after each section I started to get the hang of things. I was really enjoying what I was learning. Everything in the YOAST SEO class was new to me, but I caught on pretty quickly. I knew how very important it was because I was going to teach my boss this stuff! The clock struck 2 o’clock and that was my cue to leave. Saving any work that I was doing, I closed my laptop. As I said goodbye to everyone, I was met by the slide. Temptation set in. Should I take the slide down to the main floor? I thought, why not! Before I realized, I was sliding down. Obviously taking a snapchat so everyone could see how cool my first day as an intern at Michigan Creative really was.