Design Elements: What You May Be Missing

In Fractional CMO, graphic design by Lucy VanRegenmorter

Content and design go hand in hand. While it’s easy to focus solely on creating quality content, expert design elements elevate content and take it from good to great.

Web Design

Good web design is essential to maintaining a functional and visually appealing website. A poorly designed website can make content difficult to find, read, and comprehend. Website visitors should be able to navigate a site easily without being overwhelmed or confused. Plus, an aesthetically pleasing layout gives your company a professional look and a unique brand image. Not sure how to code? Professional web designers build functional and stunning websites, so you don’t have to. Here’s how you can hire some.

High-Resolution Photos

Don’t ruin your image – literally. Using low-resolution pictures on your social media channels, website, and print materials can make even the highest quality content look unprofessional. Invest in an external photographer to regularly gather new images for your company. It may be an additional cost now, but it will pay off in the long run. We do this too!

Good Social Graphics

It is equally important to use good social media graphics. A quality social media graphic stands out in a social feed and breaks consumers from the endless scrolling cycle. Poorly-designed graphics can make content hard to read, hard to look at, and hard to understand. Yikes. 

Investing in an external graphic designer to design your social media posts, like the ones at Michigan Creative, can help assure you post clean, attention-grabbing graphics across all social media channels. 

Quality Advertisements

Paid advertisements can reach hundreds, even millions, of new eyes. It’s important to make a powerful first impression. Not to mention, advertising isn’t always cheap. For that reason, it’s crucial to have well-designed, quality advertisements. Don’t waste good content (and your advertising budget) on ads that won’t perform. Outsource an advertising manager to assure your ads reach as many new customers as possible – and keep them. 

That’s a lot of different people to outsource! What if one team could do it all? Michigan Creative’s team of qualified creative professionals can. Give us a call, or subscribe to our daily newsletter today!