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4 Reasons to Add Video Campaigns to Your Advertising

Michigan Creative
lansing video production

4 Reasons to Add Video Campaigns to Your Advertising

lansing video advertisingAdvertising used to be on radio, television, magazines and in the newspaper. Now you’ll see advertising in a variety of places and in a variety of mediums used. One of the most popular ways to advertise these days is by using video. You want to get the word out about your product or service and video advertising is the way to go. Here are four reasons you should consider adding video campaigns to your advertising budget.

Search Engines Love Videos
When it comes to ranking higher in the search engines such as Google, you want to be a trusted site that clients hang around. By adding videos to your site that will draw clients to stay on your actual site for a longer period of time. That in turn builds trust with the search engines and will increase your ranking for keyword searches.

Reach a Wider Audience
When it comes to searching the net, you no longer are tied to a large desktop computer. You can search what you want to find from a tablet or your smartphone. Videos enable you to reach a larger audience as they are easily seen on any size device from smartphones to computers. Giants such as YouTube have reported an increase in mobile watching of their videos. What that means for you is that videos can help you draw in a larger client base and reach more potential customers due to being available on multiple platforms.

Engage All Audiences
Let’s face it. Life is very busy and hectic and when it comes to reading a long advertisement, you’re going to lose clients. They simply don’t have time to sit and read a long, drawn out story on why they should purchase your service or product. They do, however, have time to watch a 30 second or longer video as they’re cooking dinner, hanging out with friends, or waiting on their oil change. Video advertising helps you to engage a much wider audience.

Boost Conversion Rates and Sales
You probably already know that seeing is believing. That is the same adage and truth behind the fact that videos will help to convert your clicks into sales higher conversion rates overall. People want to see a product in action or see how your service can benefit them. It has been shown in recent studies that videos can help to increase your sales and conversion rates when your potential clients watch them on your site.

Consider adding a product or service video to your landing page so that you can build trust not only with the search engines, but also with your potential clients. It can help to increase your sales, bring in more customers, and also help you to reach out to a larger client base.

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