Lansing video production

The future…and now, is video!

As you may have discovered by reading this blog, we absolutely love to talk about video at Michigan Creative. No wonder, given the amount of video content people consume on a daily basis. The numbers on YouTube alone are astounding, with viewers watching more than a 500 million hours of video every day. Want more? Some 300 hours of video …


Human beings are storytellers by nature.

Human beings are storytellers by nature. Increasingly, businesses are finding ways of tapping into our affinity for stories and discovering the power than can be unlocked by telling a simple tale. When Simon Sinek says in his TED Talk that “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it,” he is speaking to the kind of business-client …

Lansing video production

3 Ways to Use Video

If you’ve ever wondered how and why some companies generate the video content they do, you aren’t alone. Anytime you watch T.V. and a commercial you either love or hate comes on, you always think, “I wonder why they decided to do that.” The beauty of video is that it generates a wonderful sense of curiosity among the people who …


How A Rebrand Can Change Your Business

A rebrand is often the hardest and scariest part of any business attempting to change. Convincing others that this is the right decision and keeping your old, loyal audience is tricky. A rebranding process requires immense focus to pull off and Jagermeister is knee deep in a total rebranding process right now. I applaud them for trying to change their image. The …

How Music Can Help Your Business

How Music Can Help Your Business

Music breathes life into anything that may seem mundane. It’s so powerful that it inspires us to make that next step, whatever that may be. Nostalgia and emotion are powerful tools when it comes to advertising because we’ve all had a moment of total invulnerability when watching an ad. You see those puppies and kittens in a SPCA commercial, you …

video production

Using Video to Distinguish your Business

You have outdone yourself Google, well played. Google recently released another 2-minute video campaign about the new Google Pixel 2 and it’s awesome. Their theme is titled “Ask more of your phone” and, according to the press materials, “It’s a film that celebrates Google’s love for questions and how they push us forward and tee’s up Google Pixel 2 as the …

Lansing video production

Use Video to tell your story.

Using Video To Tell Your Story Being able to tell your story through video, whether it be about your company or your personal life, is an essential component to showing people who you are and what your business is about. The video takes the power of an image and multiplies it over and over again because you no longer have …

content marketing

How to write a great blog

Blogging has evolved since it took the internet by storm a little over a decade ago. Many of the same rules of blogging apply while in contrast others have died and gone to the waste side only to be replaced by better tips. Identifying the best tips for your blog is going to be based on your reason for blogging. …