Brand Messaging that Resonates

Finding the Good

A few months back, I sat anxious and nervous in my office on a sunny spring afternoon, the lights were off, and I couldn’t help but continue to tap my pen on my desk while I pondered a decision I really didn’t want to make. It was a Friday that I will never forget. The Friday I had to tell …

Mesmerizing Manufacturing Videos

Mesmerizing Manufacturing Videos

Have you ever seen one of those beautiful manufacturing videos? The ones shot in slow motion, where sparks are flying, magnificent machines at work or lasers are doing precision work? If you’ve ever watched commercials, the chances are that you’ve seen some really mesmerizing manufacturing videos (most likely in the automotive industry) and it inspired you. If you’re in the …

Brand Messaging that Resonates

There’s a lot that goes into a brand message. And, it plays a larger role in the success of the overall brand than some are aware. What is a brand message? It is your company’s mission, and values distilled down to a core emotion that will resonate with your audiences on a deeper level. Your brand message should turn strangers …

Michigan Travel

What to do When it’s Cold Outside – A Guide to Michigan Winter’s

With the oddity of Michigan’s weather these passed few weeks. It may be a question whether to put the winter garb away or keep rocking it in full swing. Outdoor activities may be a second thought due to recent weather but that shouldn’t be a deterrent from getting out there! Michigan has so much to offer even in these seemingly …

Push your Marketing Further

Top 10 Social Media Statistics – Push your Marketing Further

Technology has become a staple in our lives. It has shaped the business throughout the world and is continuously changing every day. Much like fashion, technology has gone through various trends and fads. Social Media has become one of the biggest trends in history and has played a vital role in how business is conducted. Knowing what’s happening in the …

michigan marketing company

Core Values are Written and Followed by All

It took us eight years, but our core values are written, posted, and followed by all. Eight years? It sounds terrible. How could a company be in business for eight years and not have core values?   We had them. We had our Manifesto, which served as our core, our rules. Our Manifesto also aligns well with our core values. …

Journey to Traction

Journey to Traction: Our EOS Implementation Story

After eight years, we are finally using an internal system that I think will work and will be followed by all. After a long career in education, the last thing I wanted to do when I started Michigan Creative was have a rigid structure and more meetings. When I was a teacher, all we did was have meetings, committees, committees …

Video Ads

Video Ads: If You’re Not Utilizing Them Now, You Should Be

The video age is upon us, my friends, and Michigan Creative wants to help make sure that your business is not falling behind. Log-in to your Facebook account and start scrolling through the Newsfeed. If you’re like most people, as soon as you log on, you’re going to see numerous videos on vast topics ranging from food, politics, or the …